Sunday, April 12, 2009

Monroe's Motivated Sequence

This purpose of this speech is to affect listeners' behaviors. This means that you ask them to do or not do something. This speech tends to be the one where people find it hard to be creative, because many of the topics seem "worn out"- such as "don't drink and drive", "don't smoke", etc.
The 2 criteria that are crucial for the action are: 1. It must relate to the audience (It cannot be an issue that only affects the elderly if you are speaking to teens) 2. It must be something the listener has the ability to do (you personally cannot change the law- you CAN join a group, boycott, etc.). Considering these criteria, sometimes the simplest topics work best like-
Why you should wash your hands, why to brush and floss your teeth, etc. They are simple, but relate to all.

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